Trophy Kiprono
5 min readMar 7, 2023


How to Dress to Look Thinner:

8 dress-slimming tips that will work for all!

I hate scales. Do you too?

Let’s be honest: stepping on it on those days you feel unattractive is just soul-wrenching. We have all gained weight at one time or another. Those days when buttons don’t close, zippers don’t zip, and everything is suddenly too snug to breathe in.

Perhaps it’s the birth control or the post-partum weight, or just maybe it’s because of the overindulgence. Who knows? Who cares? We are not here to judge. You, me, and every other woman out there have been here at one point or another.

But here is the good news! Did you know that there are ways to dress and look slimmer in an instant? No, it’s not about dieting or any of those torturous shortcuts. It’s as simple as knowing how to manipulate colors, prints, or even accessories. This is NOT about adopting a different body shape, but rather mastering a couple of tricks and tips that will flatter your shape and boost your confidence.

So, fret not! By the end of this article, you will have mastered eight simple ways of hiding those extra pounds while still making a killer statement.

  1. Black is king!

Yes, I know you’ve probably heard it before. But, if you want to look like you have been magically dropping sizes overnight, black should undisputedly be your go-to color. It has a magnificent way of hiding all those unwanted pounds while still giving the optical illusion that you have slimmed down. It doesn’t matter if you’re a size 12 or 18, M, XL, or 2X; a complete black outfit will always give a sleek look, while lighter colors will highlight problem areas. It’s not a secret that an all-black outfit not only gives the impression of class and sophistication, but also adds an expensive touch to your look.

  1. Choose the right undergarments.

The right shape wear goes a long way in flattering your body and hiding any back rolls and tummy. Think of it as a blank canvas that you are working on. It is important to get your undergarments in the correct size: the wrong size will definitely draw attention to your less desirable areas.

Shape wear is a wardrobe must-have since it hides any unwanted bulges and imperfections. It also gives the illusion of a flawless body and an overall slimmer appearance.

No one will know!

  1. Wear V-neck tops.

Nothing shouts slim like a V-neck top. If you don’t have one, worry not! Unbuttoning a few buttons on your tops will create that effect. If you want to fake a trim figure, try the deep V-neck body-slimming dresses that are figure-hugging yet not too tight. The inverted triangle of a V-neck will magnify your shoulder line and lengthen your neck and body. It’s also a plus if you have a wide bust and want to flaunt it. A V-neck will make your girls look great!

  1. Wear vertical prints.

Vertical-print dresses with deep necklines are your go-to if you want to look slimmer and taller. Thin, vertical stripes creates a visual illusion that makes you look slender. By all means, avoid horizontal stripes because they drag the eyes horizontally, which makes you look wider than you really are. Any vertical stripes or prints will make the eye move from top-to-bottom of the outfit, as opposed to horizontally.

  1. Don monochrome outfits.

Nothing screams slender like a monochrome outfit! Monochrome is simply a sophisticated term for one color clothing. Now, monochrome just doesn’t mean an all-black ensemble; it includes all clothes with darker hues and shades like navy or burgundy.

While all black is definitely slimming, so are this other darker colors. Wearing one color from head to toe will create a long vertical line that will make your body look taller and slender. Dark colors also provide less opportunity for budges or other imperfections to show while also creating a sleek silhouette.

  1. High-Waist pants

If your goal is to look as slim as possible please stay clear of low-rise pants. They are not your friends! Not only will they make your frame appear longer with shorter legs but also make your stomach more visible and kind of spill out of the waistband.

High-rise pants are your ideal go-to pants when looking for the illusion of a slimmer waist, as they sit just above the natural waistline. Additionally, high-rise pants will elongate your legs, further contributing to a slimmer appearance.

  1. Accessorize.

Remember what they said? The perfect accessory can make the difference between looking blah and totally to die for. I agree. It is a fact that the right accessories can change how a person’s eyes move around your body. Long necklaces naturally create a long, slim look that creates the illusion of more height and less breadth. The right accessories will draw the eye away from any problematic areas you have while still accentuating your best features. Your go-to tip for choosing jewelry should be length. Donning pieces with length such as long necklaces and drop earrings, will add to your outfit’s overall optical vertical effect.

  1. Wear the correct fit.

Contrary to popular belief, baggy clothes or clothes too small for your frame will not make you look slimmer. Instead, it is the opposite. Bulky clothing will exaggerate your size, while smaller outfits will draw attention to your less favorite areas like the back rolls, muffin tops, or cellulite. Even on the slimmest of women, smaller outfits will cause rolls and bulges. If you have to squirm around for a dress to fit, please put it back in the closet.

What to remember:

A lot of people think their weight is a roadblock to rocking stylish outfits, I disagree. Weight is not a determining factor for good style. Body positivity is a very complicated relationship to overcome, but knowing how to play around with stripes, colors, and prints is a great way to start your transformation.

While it is best to embrace yourself the way you are, I know that some days you might want to rock a different look, and trust me I completely understand. We all do. We all have body hang-ups; I do not know one person who doesn’t.

And while these suggestions will help you look slimmer, if you see an outfit you absolutely love, buy it! What counts at the end of the day is how you feel in it. If it makes you feel beautiful and confident, that’s all that matters.

